Bill Belichick won’t be a better media member than he was an NFL coach. There’s a chance he can come close, though, and that says only good things about Belichick’s performance on “The Pat McAfee Show Draft Spectacular” that streamed on ESPN platforms on Thursday night during of the
The six-time Super Bowl champion head coach excelling in an on-air capacity — one of the greatest talent evaluators ever (the last few years excluded) talking about player evaluation — shouldn’t surprise anybody. What is worth marveling at, however, is how natural Belichick looked and sounded behind the desk.
Over four hours, Belichick offered perspective only someone who has his history of winning could. He also offered a glimpse of what is to come Mondays this fall when he regularly appears on McAfee’s daily afternoon show. His “television” (this alt-cast was for streaming only) mechanics were more than solid. He flexed his producing muscles and leveraged his connections to score timely guests, such as general manager Adam Peters, head coach Sean Payton and head coach Kevin O’Connell — representatives from three of the six organizations that took quarterbacks on Thursday, all with ties to the “GOAT.”
Any fears that Belichick, who was tight-lipped as the head coach of the would be reticent in front of the cameras can be forgotten. He wasn’t windy, but Belichick wasn’t shy, either. Perhaps it was the relaxed nature of McAfee’s show — cursing allowed, bits encouraged — that allowed Belichick to feel at ease and calmly deliver his points. Seated between the host, McAfee, and contributor Darius Butler, Belichick laughed along with the outbursts and antics from his fellow panelists. He interjected without interrupting and laid out when McAfee and his crew dialed up the bro levels. Belichick’s points were nearly always clear and concise.
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