Question ⁉️ between Jayson Tatum and Jaylen browns who do think should retired from playing one most leave…

It’s quite significant,” Tatum remarked. “I mentioned in an interview that I’ve felt a strong connection to Boston for the past year and a half to two years. That was during the summer. And I meant the people when I stated that. People I see at the petrol station, people I know, and individuals I don’t know. I was glad to be there and felt thrilled to be doing additional things like visiting the children’s hospital, surprising the students at the high school, and witnessing their sincere responses of enthusiasm when I stepped in.

And I see the value in that; having a conversation with them there is something they would remember for a long time, so I plan to do more of that, enjoy my stay here, and cherish Boston and its people because it’s a wonderful town.”


Tatum said the following on a different night when he created history by going off for 51 points, the most ever in a Game 7, and leading the Celtics over the Philadelphia 76ers in the previous postseason’s Eastern Conference Semifinal series.


“It means a lot,” said Tatum. “I did an interview this summer, where I said over the last year-and-a-half to two years, I’ve really felt that connection with the city of Boston. And when I said that, I meant the people. The people that I know, the people I don’t know, people I see at the gas station. Doing more things like going to the children’s hospital, surprising the kids at the high school, and seeing those genuine reactions of the excitement on their faces when I walked in — that brought me joy; I was happy to be there.



“And I understand the value in that, to go in there to speak to them is something that they might remember forever, so doing more things like that and enjoying my time here and appreciating the people and the city of Boston because it’s a great place.”


On another night where Tatum made history, erupting for 51 points, the most ever in a Game 7, propelling the Celtics past the Philadelphia 76ers in last postseason’s Eastern Conference Semifinal series, he voiced the foll

“I can’t express it enough: the genuine love that I feel from the crowd, whether it’s pregame, during the game, (or) at the free-throw line. I’ve been here my whole career. I feel that they embrace me almost as one of their own, that means a lot. And I love being here. I love getting to put on this uniform. I love getting to play big games (and) put on big performances in front of them, and they feed off emotion and energy, and it’s reciprocated. I can’t express it enough: I just love being here. I love playing in front of this crowd.


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