DONE DEAL: the red bull have now signed in max verstappen as a new mannager of….

It’s critical that we retain the essential players, he continued, “because I believe that if one of these critical players leaves the squad, that will also not be good for my circumstances. Therefore, Helmut must remain in my opinion.

Together with Dietrich, he formed this team from the beginning, and he has always shown a great deal of loyalty to the group and to each individual member, ensuring that everyone will maintain their places from the beginning.

Naturally, I believe it’s crucial that you show the man a great deal of respect for what he has accomplished. And that also has to do with integrity and loyalty, you know. Thus, without a doubt,

What happens if RB calls him on it and fires Marko in any case? Will he abandon the club that is currently leagues ahead of everyone else in a fit of pique? And does he think he can bring this eighty-year-old troublemaker to another team with him? Or will he be OK playing for any other team without Marko, but not RB?

These days, Red Bull is a team where a driver’s father publicly criticises the team principal and where the driver wants to control the team’s internal structure. Such naive hubris is unheard of, even in the egotistical world of Formula One.

MV is not everything that people make him out to be, and he may even be beginning to doubt his own abilities.

How many Red Bull employees are aware of the antics of their team principal and their colleague? What emotions does that give them? What impact does that have on their motivation to stay and their work? How many people don’t mind turning away? When they put on their Red Bull shirt in the morning, do they still feel proud?

I find it disappointing that a young man like Max, who undoubtedly understands the current state of the world, is supporting a man who, let’s be honest, rivals Trump in being the most politically incorrect person.

I’m concerned about the extent to which he is being affected by his father and/or Marko, as he appears to be under the same unsettling control as some of the previous generation of young tennis protégés.

My support for Horner grows as I learn more about this. Amazing, since I’ve never been a big fan of his!

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