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According to Page Six, Matt Barnes, a big for the Grizzlies, confronted Derek Fisher, the coach of the Knicks, last weekend after learning that Fisher, a former teammate, was seeing Barnes’s divorced wife. The incident reportedly took place at Gloria Govan’s Los Angeles residence; Govan is the estranged wife of Basketball Wives star Barnes.

Fisher, who filed for divorce from his wife of eleven years in March, and Govan, according to one of the Post’s sources, have been dating for “a few months.” The source for the Post claims that Barnes travelled 95 miles to Los Angeles to “beat the s–t” out of the Knicks coach after finding out that Fisher was at his previous residence. The events transpired as described in “Page Six”:

One of the Post’s sources said that Fisher and Govan had been dating for “a few months.” Fisher filed for divorce from his wife of eleven years in March. The Post’s source says that after learning that Fisher was at his former home, Barnes drove 95 miles to Los Angeles in order to “beat the s–t” out of the Knicks coach. The following is how “Page Six” describes what happened:

Although Fisher merely got a few scrapes and isn’t planning to file charges, the publication quotes a close friend of Fisher’s who corroborated the occurrence. Nevertheless, NBA security “is aware,” according to Adrian Wojnarowski, a Yahoo NBA writer. The Knicks have reportedly given Fisher their full backing, a representative for the franchise told the tabloid. When the Post called for comment, neither Barnes’s agent nor a Grizzlies representative answered right away. 2010–11 and 2011–12 saw Fisher and Barnes play together with the Lakers.

Barnes is no stranger to controversy: Govan, his fiancée at the time, said that the claims were untrue and that the incident “was blown out of proportion” when he was arrested in 2010 on suspicion of domestic abuse. 2012 saw Barnes taken into custody once more on a misdemeanour traffic warrant. The NBA punished him in 2013 for failing to exit the floor following an expulsion and for using the N-word in a tweet that he sent shortly after. (He claimed he would keep using the word after that.) His remarks to a fan in January and his nasty remarks to James Harden’s mother after a game in May resulted in fines of $25,000 and $50,000, respectively. (He subsequently claimed that he

It just so happens that another person in the Govan family’s social circle is making headlines today. In a book excerpt that appeared in the Washington Post today, Caron Butler provides an intimate account of the 2009 gunfight in the Wizards locker room that broke out over money from a card game involving Javaris Crittenton and Gilbert Arenas, the longtime boyfriend of Govan’s sister Laura (who has since split up with him). According to the clip, Gilbert pointed to four firearms in Crittenton’s locker and said, “Hey, MF, come pick one.” “I’m going to use one of these to shoot your [expletive].”

Butler reports that Crittenton turned around slowly and remarked, “I’ve got one right here,” in response to his statement, “Oh no, you don’t need to shoot me with one of those.” Butler states that “he pulled out his own gun, already loaded, cocked, and pointed it at Gilbert” at that moment.


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