intrested news:Yesterday was a rather dull news day with the Cleveland Browns out of the picture, but at least we got to see the Baltimore Ratbirds win a football game. I hate it.

Yesterday was a rather dull news day with the Cleveland Browns out of the picture, but at least we got to see the Ratbirds win a football game. I hate it.

Forintrested news:Yesterday was a rather dull news day with the Cleveland Browns out of the picture, but at least we got to see the Baltimore Ratbirds win a football game. I hate it. supporters, not the finest of days. Barry McBride, a webdork, ceshis disapproval

It was kind of a pointless exercise to try to find any real information in this morning’s newswire. For whatever reason, the majority of the local websites that publish original information on Saturday were closed, and my Google News feed included around 75 pieces that were all just aggregator-generated garbage. I’ve dutifully included links to a few of pieces from and the Chronicle-Telegram below, but it seems that most local reporters were either following the Divisional Playoff games or believed Browns fans were.

Yesterday, the OBR released five new pieces, the most of which were free. Among them was an exclusive interview with Rodney McLeod. However, based on our statistics, the majority of fans were watching TV. Perhaps you could read what we wrote yesterday before the Lions and Buccaneers play at 3 PM EST to make up for it.

Both the Cooler and Ask the Insiders were operational. Talk about football is a constant here.

Here, unfortunately, the dearth of fresh details leaves me with nothing to talk about save what I already touched on yesterday: how much I detest the goddamn Baltimore Ratbirds.

There is nothing at all admirable about this misguided enterprise. You cannot wrap your arms around anything and declare, “They’re like us.” Maybe we could relate to having our franchise taken, but they took it from us in a hypocritical manner, never making an effort to get it back, and then they got all knotted up trying to justify why Art Modell was a saint and Tiger Bob Irsay was a villain. Nothing is present there.

You would think that belonging to the AFC North would bring people closer together, but that’s not the case. Nothing. Along with other contemporary faux-franchises like the Texans and Jaguars, they belong in the AFC South. They don’t have any “AFC North” characteristics. not the chilly climate. Not the mindset of the Rust Belt. They’re East Coast residents who love crabcakes and live outside of Washington, DC, not far from another NFL franchise. These aren’t our Midwest brethren.

There’s just too much to the squad, from the ridiculous name to the ridiculous Maryland-inspired crest, which makes me think of Art and David Modell every time I watch one of their games. It makes me want to throw up to see how they’ve elevated the jerk Ray Lewis to the status of a cute little icon who enjoys performing squirrel dances in his waning, useless retirement. He is disgusting.

The Baltimore Ravens are great on the field, but other than that, damn it. Even if the team is unpleasant, the football operations are very well-managed after Modell was dismissed from the league due to his obvious ineptitude and scumbaggery. The front office makes wise free agency signings and typically does a good job at drafting, with a high hit rate. Even if I don’t like the Harbaughs, John Harbaugh should be commended for giving the team steady, capable leadership since 2008.

All this team deserves are losing seasons that never end and misfortune in every aspect of the game. The NFL Gods, for whatever reason, had a bugaboo and diverted that destiny towards Cleveland, the victim, instead of Baltimore, the evildoer from 1995. For this reason, I maintain that there is no such thing as “karma” in sports and that a greater power—whatever shape you assign to it—clearly does not care about the result of football games.

Friends, we’re alone in a harsh, frigid cosmos. The Baltimore Ravens’ success serves as evidence of this. As so, arm yourself with just your own cunning and diligence. Fate wears purple and black, has a terrible sense of humour, and laughs at the worthless efforts of the deserving.


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