OHIO NEWS:Governor Newsom of California opposes a plan to outlaw young tackle football…

OHIO NEWS:Governor Newsom of California opposes a plan to outlaw young tackle football…

twelve, the state’s limit for tackle football players.
Governor Newsom of California opposes a plan to outlaw young tackle football.
Rich Pedroncelli/AP photo
Published on January 18, 2024, at 12:25 PM by Scripps News Staff; updated on January 18, 2024, at 6:25 PM
Governor Gavin Newsom of California has rejected a Democratic plan that would have made tackle football for kids illegal in the state.

Assemblymember Kevin McCarty of California introduced AB 734 with the intention of shielding young athletes from brain trauma that might result in permanent damage, such as CTE. According to a study by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, young players who play tackle football are 15 times more likely than those who play flag football to suffer head injuries during a practice or game (McCarthy).

Later this month, the California State Assembly was going to vote on the measure, which would have outlawed contact football for children under the age of 12 by 2029. but Newsom shot him down on Tuesday.

He said in a statement that Politico was able to receive, “I will not sign legislation that bans youth tackle football.” “An outright ban is not the answer, but I am deeply concerned about the health and safety of our young athletes.”

SEE MORE: Research: Football-related CTE risk is driven by head hits rather than concussions

The plan reignited a divisive discussion over parental rights and who has the last say over choices about their children. The California Youth Football Alliance’s creator, Ron White, said the law is simply another instance of government overreach.

“It is just one more overreaching moment for what is already an over-regulated state,” he said.

Despite stating that he would not sign the bill into law, Newsom promised to keep collaborating with legislators to support sports safety for children while still defending parental rights.

“To ensure California maintains the highest standards in the nation for youth football safety, we will consult with coaches, parents, athletes, and members of the community,” Newsom said. “That is something we owe to the countless families in California who have supported youth sports.”

A relative responds to the DOJ report on the school massacre in Uvalde

Speaking with Scripps News, Jesse Rizo discusses his expectations for the report and the loss of his 9-year-old niece in the incident.

A relative responds to the DOJ report on the school massacre in Uvalde
Written by Axel TurciosPublished on January 18, 2024, at 12:14 PM, and updated on January 18, 2024, at 6:15 PM
On Thursday, the Department of Justice made public its findings on the Uvalde, Texas, elementary school massacre that claimed the lives of 19 pupils and 2 instructors.

But the previous evening, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland met with the relatives of the victims prior to the report’s release, which labelled the efforts of law enforcement as a “failure”.

The family expressed their hope that more accountability and openness would result from the results in a community still deeply divided over two years after the tragedy.

Prior to the report’s release, Jesse Rizo, Jackie Cazares’ uncle, had an interview with Scripps News. Now that it’s out there, his family intends to have a news conference on Thursday.

“Life is no longer the same every day. It tore us apart in some ways and brought us closer in others, Rizo said.

Rizo said that his family is in pieces.

“We are happy to see each other, but we know we are missing somebody at the table,” he said.

SEE MORE: DOJ labels the police reaction to the Uvalde school massacre as a “failure”

Rizo added that his family is still trying to put the pieces together and clings to memories of his 9-year-old niece, even if the wounds have not fully healed.

On May 24, 2022, an 18-year-old shooter at Robb Elementary School murdered Cazares along with 18 other children and 2 adults. There were seventeen more casualties.

Rizo thinks that one step closer to accountability is the DOJ report detailing the cops’ actions on that awful day.

“Hopefully from that report, we get enough information so we can put pressure on the district attorney to actually do something about this — the people who failed these children, that allowed these children to get slaughtered, that allowed the children to live through living hell — that those people be held accountable,” he stated.

In Rizo’s opinion, the Uvalde community need to be doing more to get information.

“Anybody that was affected by this directly or indirectly, they should be lined up along Highway 90 at the location where they’re giving the briefing today, and they should be protesting with signs demanding accountability,” Rizo said.

He said that his family will not give up on getting justice for Jackie.

It is certain that she will live on in memory forever. We’ll fight till the end,” he said.

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