Why is the James Dolan and Harvey Weinstein accuser coming out 10 years later

Why is the James Dolan and Harvey Weinstein accuser coming out 10 years later

In a fresh complaint filed on Tuesday, New York Knicks owner James Dolan is charged with sexual assault and smuggling a lady to his “best friend” Harvey Weinstein.

In records that The Messenger was able to get, Kellye Croft claimed that after being recruited in 2013 to accompany The Eagles on tour as lead singer Glenn Frey’s personal massage therapist, Dolan had repeatedly sexually harassed her. Despite Dolan’s declaration in a 2018 song that he “should’ve known” about the filmmaker’s history of sexual harassment throughout their decades-long acquaintance, she also claimed that Dolan was aware of Weinstein’s past.

Apart from serving as Frey’s personal masseuse, Croft also provided treatments to other tour participants, such as Dolan, whose group JD and The Straight Shot supported The Eagles during that trip.

Croft, who was 27 years old at the time, recalled feeling “isolated” and “lonely” since she had no one to spend the night with. She further claimed that an incident involving The Eagles’ tour manager Tom Golseth shouting at her in front of other tour members made her feel even more alone. She said that after informing Dolan what had happened before his first massage, he assured her he would “take care of it,” and as a result, Golseth lost his job.

She said that Dolan tried to pull her towards him at the conclusion of their second massage, but she resisted. Croft said that he saw her resistance as a “challenge,” and the complaint states that “Dolan then seized Ms. Croft’s hands and dragged her to a sofa in the same room, where he sat down with her hands forced between his knees. Despite Dolan’s age difference of almost thirty years and his marital status at the time, Ms. Croft was certain that she did not wish to engage in any sexual activity with him.”

Dolan “repeatedly reminded” Croft of how he “fixed” the problem with Golseth, so she “felt obligated” to have sex with him.

Following her flight to Los Angeles in late 2013 to work as a masseuse for The Eagles and Frey, Croft said she discovered she would also be working with Dolan. On this tour, however, Croft did not stay at the same hotel as the major artists, unlike previous tours. Rather, she stayed at the hotel where Dolan and his band were staying.

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