FIRED: The Miami Dolphins’ head coach and sports trainer have been FIRED for failing to…..

FIRED: The Miami Dolphins’ head coach and sports trainer have been FIRED for failing to…..

On Wednesday, offensive line coach Jim Turner and longstanding head sports trainer Kevin O’Neill were fired for their roles in the team’s bullying issue.
The penalties were the Dolphins’ first since a report on the NFL’s investigation of the case was issued last week.
Investigators discovered that guard Richie Incognito and two teammates harassed tackle Jonathan Martin, another offensive lineman, and an assistant trainer on a regular basis.
Martin quit the squad in the middle of the season, and Incognito was suspended for the last eight games.

On Wednesday, the Miami Dolphins fired offensive line coach Jim Turner and longstanding head athletic trainer Kevin O’Neill in connection with the team’s bullying controversy.

The penalties were the Dolphins’ first since a report on the NFL’s investigation of the case was issued last week.

Investigators discovered that guard Richie Incognito and two teammates harassed tackle Jonathan Martin, another offensive lineman, and an assistant trainer on a regular basis.

Martin quit the squad in the middle of the season, and Incognito was suspended for the last eight games.

Turner made no move to stop the harassment and even participated in parts of the ridiculing of offensive lineman Andrew McDonald, according to the NFL investigation. According to the report, O’Neill displayed antagonism toward the probe and cut short an interview with those conducting it.

Miami Dolphins offensive line coach Jim Turner, right, and longstanding head athletic trainer Kevin O’Neill, left, were sacked on Wednesday for their roles in the team’s bullying controversy.

Miami Dolphins offensive line coach Jim Turner, right, and longstanding head athletic trainer Kevin O’Neill, left, were sacked on Wednesday for their roles in the team’s bullying controversy.

Miami Dolphins offensive line coach Jim Turner, right, and longstanding head athletic trainer Kevin O’Neill, left, were sacked on Wednesday for their roles in the team’s bullying controversy.

O’Neill was sacked shortly after arriving in Indianapolis for the league’s annual scouting combine with other team officials. Turner did not make the journey.

Dolphins owner Stephen Ross stated in a news statement announcing the firings that the behavior revealed in the study was ‘against the core values of our organization.’

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‘I performed my own internal examination of the facts after obtaining the report to identify the right steps for our business,’ Ross explained. ‘Jim Turner and Kevin O’Neill are fine people who care deeply about their profession and the players they serve, but both displayed bad judgment at times, leading me to this conclusion.’

Ross stated that he has been in contact with Martin and that they will meet soon.

Martin has two seasons left on his deal with the Dolphins, but Ross stated last month that he did not expect the lineman would return to the team. This winter, Incognito will be a free agent and will try to sign with another team.

Coach Joe Philbin made his first public comments since the report’s release, stating the vulgar language and actions described in the report were disappointing and unacceptable, and that core standards of respect had been breached.

Apologies on Twitter: Miami Dolphins Richie Incognito (68) and Jonathan Martin (71) have been accused of bullying and abuse in the team’s locker room. On Monday and Tuesday, Incognito retracted comments he made in the aftermath of the alleged abuse report.

Apologies on Twitter: Miami Dolphins Richie Incognito (68) and Jonathan Martin (71) have been accused of bullying and abuse in the team’s locker room. On Monday and Tuesday, Incognito retracted comments he made in the aftermath of the alleged abuse report.

‘That ultimately falls on my shoulders, and I will be held accountable moving forward for emphasizing a team-first culture of respect for one another,’ Philbin said in a statement.

There was no evidence that Philbin was aware of abusive behavior on the team, according to the investigation.

Several witnesses told police that Turner gave McDonald a male sex toy as a joke around Christmas 2012. Turner said he didn’t recall the encounter, but detectives didn’t believe him.

Martin told authorities that O’Neill and other team members witnessed an assistant trainer being humiliated but did nothing. O’Neill is accused of laughing at racial comments made at the assistant trainer.

O’Neill has 25 years of NFL experience and was the Dolphins’ trainer for 18 years. He and his Miami crew have received national honors, including one from the National Athletic Trainers’ Association last year.

Turner joined the Dolphins just two years ago, shortly after Philbin was named as head coach.

Richie Incognito of the Miami Dolphins has returned to Twitter to apologize to teammate Jonathan Martin, NFL independent investigator Ted Wells, and owner Stephen Ross for statements he made last week on the social media platform.

Late Monday night into early Tuesday morning, Incognito stated that he would like to “apologize for acting like a big baby the last few days,” adding that “this has all been so much on me and my family.” ‘All I want to do is play football.’

Sorry: These are some of the tweets Richie Incognito sent out on Monday and Tuesday evening to apologize for his heated tirade after Ted Wells’ report on bullying at the Miami Dolphins was published on Friday.

Sorry: These are some of the tweets Richie Incognito sent out on Monday and Tuesday evening to apologize for his heated tirade after Ted Wells’ report on bullying at the Miami Dolphins was published on Friday.

The U-turn came after the investigation into Martin’s high-profile bullying last season, which labeled him as a bullying kingpin, prompting Incognito to declare on Twitter that he could not be described “in 144 years, let alone 144 pages.”

He also questioned the investigation’s neutrality, claiming that it couldn’t be unbiased ‘since the NFL paid the individual to conduct it’.

Incognito departed Twitter the day the news was published, writing, ‘Goodbye Twitter. ‘Take care, and I’ll see you on the other side.’

Indeed, prior to the report’s release, Incognito launched a Twitter attack on Martin, alleging that the “truth is going to bury you and your entire camp.” You could have been telling the truth the whole time’.

However, after the story was published, Incognito and two teammates were accused of a ‘pattern of harassment’ directed at Martin and other young players inside the Dolphins’ locker room.

‘I would like to send Jonathan my apologies as well,’ the Dolphin’s lineman added, abruptly changing his tone towards Martin. You are still my brother until someone tells me otherwise. There are no hard emotions.’

Most importantly, Incognito apologized to Ross and Wells to round off his Twitter apologies.

Ted Wells is the New York attorney appointed by NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell to look into the shocking allegations of abuse within the Dolphins locker room.

Richie Incognito apologized to Ted Wells and his owner Stephen Ross for accusing the inquiry into him of lack of authenticity, and thanked Ross for his continued employment.

Richie Incognito apologized to Ted Wells and his owner Stephen Ross for accusing the inquiry into him of lack of authenticity, and thanked Ross for his continued employment.

Incognito attempted to fix the damage with his paymaster and investigator, claiming that’s**t got cray cray’.

To justify his prior rant, Incognito stated, “There are no winners in the courts.” Only families are left to deal with the consequences of their decisions and pick up the pieces. You can’t make something go away. ‘Everyone is born free.’

Indeed, with his career on the line, Incognito appears hesitant to let go of the idea that he feels wronged by the entire situation.

He retweeted one response to him from an admirer that stated, ‘Keep your head up brother. A narrative always has three sides. On his side. ‘Your point of view and the truth.’

The investigation into the racially heated Miami Dolphins bullying controversy revealed rampant harassment in the locker room that extended beyond the two players at the center of the investigation last week.

According to the NFL-ordered study, there was a ‘pattern of harassment’ conducted by at least three players, which extended to two linemen and an assistant trainer, all of whom were the focus of harsh comments and racist insults.

According to the report, which was disclosed by lawyer Ted Wells, guard John Jerry and center Mike Pouncey followed Richie Incognito’s lead in tormenting Jonathan Martin, who departed the team in October. They threatened to rape his sister, called him a slew of derogatory terms, and ridiculed him for not being “black enough.”

Defiant: On Friday, Incognito slammed a report that named him as one of the primary perpetrators of a bullying culture in the Miami Dolphins locker room.

Defiant: On Friday, Incognito slammed a report that named him as one of the primary perpetrators of a bullying culture in the Miami Dolphins locker room.

Incognito also questioned if the study was impartial because it was commissioned by the NFL rather than an outside adjudicator.

Incognito also questioned if the study was impartial because it was commissioned by the NFL rather than an outside adjudicator.

In a statement provided by a league spokeswoman, the NFL made no mention of any penalty in connection with the case.

The league just confirmed receiving the information and expressed appreciation for the Dolphins’ cooperation with the investigation. Wells stated that he had no plans to comment more.

Martin is mixed-race, Incognito is white, and Jerry and Pouncey are both black.

Martin’s representative, Kenneth Zuckerman, stated that the report has ‘vindicated’ his client.

‘He feels a lot better,’ Zuckerman told The Associated Press. ‘Jonathan Martin is a wonderful man who has only proven to me that he is very honest since the day I met him. He enjoys football and is anxious to return to the field, regardless of the team for which he plays.’

Incognito’s attorney, Mark Schamel, issued a statement in which he called Wells’ report’replete with mistakes’ and stated that Martin ‘was never bullied by Richie Incognito or any member of the Dolphins’ offensive line.’

Angry: During one of his weekend tantrums, Incognito attacked his agent Joe Panos.
Angry: During one of his weekend tantrums, Incognito attacked his agent Joe Panos.

‘You could not characterize myself in 144 years, let alone 144 pages, Mr Wells,’ Incognito tweeted Friday night. Thank you for your efforts and commitment.’

Martin, who has two years left on his Dolphins deal, denied interview requests.
Incognito was suspended in November, but Pouncey and Jerry were the starting the rest of the way.

According to the complaint, another offensive lineman and an assistant trainer were regularly targeted by the trio. The report made no mention of either.

Martin’s struggle to deal with a ‘pattern of harassment’ was documented in the report, including emotional text exchanges with his parents and a depiction of him crying in the bathroom after one particularly painful attack.

Martin reportedly told investigators that he ‘believed that trying to engage in a physical confrontation with these three – whom he perceived as a cohesive gang – would only make matters worse.’

According to the investigation, Martin was taunted and mocked practically every day. After Martin left the club, Incognito brags about ‘breaking Jmart’ in a notebook the lineman used to keep track of fines and bonuses.

When the investigation began, Incognito told another player to destroy the book because ‘they’re going to suspend me.’

‘Bully’: Miami Dolphins offensive tackle John Jerry is also accused of bullying Martin and others in the company.

‘Bully’: Miami Dolphins offensive tackle John Jerry is also accused of bullying Martin and others in the company.

Harassment: Mike Pouncey, Richie Incognito, and John Jerry engaged in a ‘pattern of harassment’ against Martin and others.

Harassment: Mike Pouncey, Richie Incognito, and John Jerry engaged in a ‘pattern of harassment’ against Martin and others.

The other mistreated athlete was’subjected to homophobic name-calling and improper physical touching,’ while the assistant trainer, who was born in Japan, was racially abused.

‘It was not difficult to determine that the Assistant Trainer and Player A had been harassed, but the questions raised in Martin’s case were more complex, nuanced, and difficult,’ according to the report.

Despite the fact that Wells decided that Martin was assaulted by three teammates, the report stated that ‘they did not plan to drive Martin from the team or give him enduring emotional pain.’

‘Given his mental health concerns, possible heightened sensitivity to insults, and his odd, “bipolar” association with Incognito,’ evaluating Martin’s accusations was challenging, according to the study.

‘However, we eventually found that Martin was hounded by Incognito, who may rightly be described as the primary instigator.’

The findings comes roughly three months after the league hired Wells to examine the issue, which sparked a national debate about workplace hazing and bullying.

‘To a large measure, Incognito dictated the culture,’ according to the report. ‘We doubt things would have gotten that out of hand if Incognito hadn’t established a tone on the offensive line that made exceedingly profane taunting a common means of communication.’

Dolphins offensive line coach Jim Turner did not intervene and even participated in parts of the taunting of ‘Player A,’ according to the complaint. Several witnesses told investigators that Turner delivered a male sex toy to Player A as a joke around Christmas 2012. Turner told detectives he didn’t recall the encounter, but they didn’t believe him.

After Martin left the Dolphins in October, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell initiated an investigation into the franchise.

After Martin left the Dolphins in October, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell initiated an investigation into the franchise.

The NFL engaged attorney Ted Wells to undertake an independent inquiry into the Miami Dolphins.

The NFL engaged attorney Ted Wells to undertake an independent inquiry into the Miami Dolphins.

The audit, however, found no evidence that the Dolphins’ front office or head coach Joe Philbin were aware of Martin’s violent behavior.

Martin, who stands 6-foot-5 and weighs 312 pounds, abruptly quit the squad on October 28. He was briefly hospitalized before rejoining his family in California and receiving emotional counseling. Incognito was forbidden from playing in the final eight games of the season.

Incognito expressed contrition for using racist and profane words with Martin, but said it was due to a culture of locker-room “brotherhood,” not bullying.

Martin has stated that he attempted to befriend Incognito. Over the course of a year, the two players exchanged over a thousand text messages, and the taunting and filthy humor went both ways.

Investigators said Martin was only attempting to fit in with the other lineman when he engaged in the taunting of Player A.

Martin had suicide ideas, according to the study.

‘Whether or not Incognito, Jerry, or Pouncey completely understood the impact of their acts on Martin, there is no doubt that, from Martin’s perspective, their actions were abusive and painful,’ according to the study.

‘We are not, however, in a position to judge Martin’s claim that the abusive behavior of his teammates was the sole cause of his despair and suicidal ideation.’

The NFL Players Association stated that it will carefully analyze the findings and consult with players and all other parties concerned.

In a statement, Dolphins owner Stephen Ross stated, ‘As a company, we are dedicated to a culture of team-first accountability and respect for one another.’

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