Latest News: Excellent form, critical assessment, world champion, and indifference from Judd Trump

Latest News: Excellent form, critical assessment, world champion, and indifference from JuddTrump.

Thus far this season, Judd Trump has been the guy to watch (Image: VCG).
Judd Trump feels he received too much criticism for his “bad spell,” which was far from devastating, but he is loving having complete faith and confidence back in his abilities.

The 34-year-old is the player of the year thus far, taking home the trophies from the English Open, Wuhan Open, and Northern Ireland Open in October after winning three straight events.

Being the fifth player to win three on the spin, the English was his first ranking victory since March 2022, so reeling off two more straight after was quite an accomplishment.

His ranking title tally is up to 26 now, so he’s done near enough everything in the game, but this goes down as one of his greatest achievements.

Trump told, “It has to rank among the best things I’ve done in my career.” “I’ve consistently had a strong track record of winning an event and playing exceptionally well the following week.” I’m usually someone who can stick with something for a short while when I discover form. In my opinion, snooker players are aware of my peak risk moments following a victory. Without a doubt, I play with confidence.

The Chinese one It was slightly different since I breezed through the competition; there was never any danger. However, the third tournament—Noppon [Saengkham]—was the hardest, and I had to return in a few. It is somewhat more remarkable to win three straight in a situation where it hasn’t happened in a very long time and when many of the greats haven’t succeeded.

Trump is accustomed to this kind of success; in 2019–20, he broke the record by winning six ranking titles in a single season. He is now aiming to surpass that total, stating that he feels “very, very similar” to how he did four years prior.

Indeed, the belief has returned, he declared. Every time I feel left out, I feel like I’m going to clear up. Every time I glance at the table from my chair, I feel as though I’ll get it all cleared up. When you begin to exude confidence, your opponent can sense it and starts to make more errors, missing the vital ball to cross the line. Nine times out of ten, I’ll step in and provide clarification. I think I can do it every time, especially in deciders.

I’ve not really had that feeling for a while. I’ve had it in certain tournaments where I feel it’s coming back, but this is a sustained period.’

Last month, Trump claimed victory at the Northern Ireland Open for the fourth time (Image: Getty Images).(
From late 2018 to the beginning of 2021, Trump achieved unprecedented success, winning 14 ranking championships, including the World Championship and a Masters title.

There was certain to be a downturn following that enormous success, and while the 2021/22 and 22/23 seasons were both quieter than the previous two, they weren’t without their high points.

A Crucible final, another Masters title, a triumph in Turkey and at the Champion of Champions all came along and Trump thinks the talk of his demise was greatly exaggerated.

‘I did lose some of the belief,’ he said. ‘I felt at times I got back to somewhere near my best, but before I was so consistent for the whole season it was a bit ridiculous really.

“I performed at that level for two or three years, very rarely having a bad performance; it’s a very difficult level to duplicate.” Nevertheless, the previous season wasn’t all that horrible. My terrible is not so horrible when you compare it to even Ronnie’s bad. Since the 2022 World Championship, Ronnie has not triumphed in a ranking event. Last season, I managed to win the Champions of Champions final, the Masters, and the Grand Prix final. When compared to what Neil [Robertson] is currently doing, my performance was far superior, even during the “bad bit.” How awful was I really? It wasn’t too horrible, in my opinion.

“I performed at that level for two or three years, very rarely having a bad performance; it’s a very difficult level to duplicate.” However, the season before wasn’t all that bad. When compared to even Ronnie’s awful, my terrible is not so horrific. Ronnie is without a ranking tournament victory since the 2022 World Championship. I won three championships last season: the Grand Prix, the Masters, and the Champions of Champions final. I performed significantly better than Neil [Robertson] is doing now, even throughout the “bad bit.” Seriously, how bad was I? From my perspective, it wasn’t all that bad.

‘In terms of major titles, it’s always compared to people miles older than me. I think it’s always a bit skewed if I’m compared to people 7 or 14 years older than me.

‘I’ve been in the Masters final twice and the World final twice in the last five years. UK final I probably should have won against Neil [in 2020], the other one I lost 10-9 against Ronnie [in 2014]. So I’ve won four majors, but I’m not a mile off from winning 6 or 7 already.

  1. ‘I definitely feel that people don’t get credit for finals. It’s so easily forgotten. Even the people I’ve played in my finals I think are more difficult than most people have faced. Ronnie and [John] Higgins in World finals, Ronnie and Neil both 10-9 in UK finals, Ronnie and [Mark] Williams I’ve beat in Masters finals, Higgins in the Worlds so it’s not like I’ve had it easy.’

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